Monday, March 31, 2008

How can we let the sky tumble down?

You better keep a good eye out.

Time for another breakdown and I'm not even going to bring up the one I had on Thursday (3/27/08). Just know there was a lot of bizarre and deft movements ultimately resulting in what felt like destroying a paper doll. I never realized how fragile I was. I always sort of had the fear that my body could very well betray me despite the fact that its served me well aside from the fact that I was small. How strange that when it gave in, I was the only one who had a hand in it. I betrayed myself.

Onward sweep.

Friday (3/28/08): Haha, yes. Yes. That was one Friday that will go down in the books for anyone who witnessed it. As for me, I'm not sure if you can say I witnessed it. Granted, I remember it almost vividly except for a few mild-mannered things that probably no one else in the waking day would remember anyway. I don't care to go into it. All I know is that something in this night sparked something I never expected. I'm suddenly appreciated and regarded as a thing of beauty. I suppose, however, that I have many forms. People happen to fall in love with my open (and open-ended) side that comes at the most awkward of times. It's the form I assume is most like a goddess--it's one that is open to the people, instead of just doing things passionately by almost sleight of hand. In this state, I speak and laugh and break through somehow. But it's a form I keep quiet because of all the atrocities in the waking life. The only thing about it that I can't quell is my sensitivty and compassion for other humans. Even still, no matter what I was that night, I just can't understand it. As much as I want to, I don't see what caused this uprise in desire for me.

Saturday (3/29/08): Happy birthday to Cristian. I woke up at Berenice's house, a little bit ailing from being the goddess the night before (and sleeping on the floor). It was, surprisingly, one of the more quieter mornings of my life. It felt as if what I had was real. All that remained was an empty room and four friends reminicing, laughing, hurting and sharing. It wasn't at all like a movie, and yet it was because while everything seemed real--the feat seemed impossible. It was then I got to know earthly Nancy. The night before, she slipped passed me as the night grew old. We ended up at Norm's on Hawthorne Boulevard, possibly the worst street in existance with each business location at a more random spot than the next. Hawthorne is like a desert. It may seem fitting since supposedly California is a desert, but this is Southern California. This is the end all be all. At least give Hawthorne some dignity. Despite its quiet near-beauty, it's a rat's nest for traffic. But no matter, it still got us where we needed to be. After that, that was the end of my weekend with the few of them. On to Jannette's party later that day.
That started with Lazy Dog Cafe, which translates to great restaurant with the most anal customers ever, which is beyond me since that place is louder than reason. But of course when we clapped for Jannette's birthday consolation dessert, despite the fact that we couldn't even hear ourselves sing, some arrogant bastards probably in their 20's (not much older than us, yet they must've felt themselves of royalty. Or as though their putird excretions do not smell) felt it appropriate to "tell us off" with a rude snot-nosed "exucse me." Well, they certainly were excused. Let's move on. There was another real moment at Jannette's house where all of us, now made 13 by Jannette's unexplained house guests, were talking and trying to fit on two couches and a coffee table. Sooner than we knew it, which is common for us, we were midnight bowling. Even as the hours took a toll on us, it went by so fast all I really remember was bowling poorly as usual and dancing to classic rock. What a time it was.

Flash forward.

Perhaps the entire week that came after was notable, but all that really came of it was more musings from the bottom of my mind. Although I did have a nice time with my family on my dad's birthday and although my best cousin and I saw each other for the first time in months yesterday, I feel the need to hush. If I wanted to say anything more, it would be on politics, but considering my worry for my ever-weakening aunt, I will say nothing more than what needs to be until tomorrow.
That being, if one takes the time to do things opposite their nature, or buried within their nature, it will seem as though the world is not around them at all. And if one stares into the sky, especially at night, it will seem as though they don't exist and yet they're exactly where they need to be. And if one takes the time to read or look into their own surrounding life, they will see what exactly needs to be said and what needs to be done. And if one takes it a step further, they can come to terms with their humanity and recognize what is beyond their power and how much faith and effort they need to possibly make a move on it. And if one knows where they stand, they can stave off the unexpected failure and see exactly how they move through life. And if one sees how the world around them moves through them, they can accept the terms they've come to and appreciate what their hands can do and even what they cannot. We're all human and we need to see it. Not everything can come of our hands, but knowing can sometimes be enough. With knowledge there is respect and a sense of freedom. And by keeping faith and moving toward anything, no matter how unattainable, we can at least have something worth craving all to ourselves. Unfortunate as it is, we're all not getting anywhere near it at all. We're futile beings.

Look alive.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

He asked me to lie

And I told him the truth.

I was ready to post all this cool stuff and all my crazy ideas when everything came to a crashing halt. I met Kirsten today via telephone.

All I can say is...psh, I told you he was dating her. Even through that, as freakish as it sounds even to me, I bet somewhere in that big vacant space of his, something for me waits. One of my best guy friends said to me, it's either that he never loved me or he's too scared to love me, creating the almost indestructable idea in his head that he no longer loves me. Apparently, that's what fear does to a man. I wouldn't know because I'm not a man. And I don't think any guy who feels that way deserves to call himself a man either.

He asked me not to compare him to my other ex.
I did anyway because, fuck, he's acting just like him. Everyone thinks my ex prior to Anthony was all about going out with my best friends, which did happen twice, but they forget everything that came between and henceforth. There's was a lot of name calling and verbal abuse. There were other women even before my two best friends. They didn't last, but one of them hurt me in particular even though it was some insane love for a 14-year-old trapped in Ohio (also where Kirsten is from, ironically). Patterns repeat and as much as I'm ready for them, I somehow can't deal with it as planned. I'm aware of the differences, but all I tend to do is gather from past negativity and act upon that instead of working with what's going right.

And you know, she says she doesn't want problems with me. I guess I can believe it. There's no trust, just belief. But dammit if it doesn't hurt to hear her putting him in check the way I used to. Not that I put him in check 24/7 like a control freak, but it used to be my job...if that makes sense. She says she doesn't want problems. Honey, you're not as sweet as 'honey' would imply.
No. You're vinegar in my mouth.

Get out.

"It's okay. We're just dating. I'm not falling for her like that and she's not going to fall for me any time soon."
You said it yourself're kind of a liar. This is the last lie you will ever tell if ever I find out it's a lie. At least be a friend. I don't expect him to lick my boots but I expect decency, you know.

"You're a scary lady. You became intimidating"
That's just what Andy said you were thinking. You know, Andy is exactly right. It shocks me how he knew before Anthony even said anything. According to him...when you feel you can't live up to someone, you shy away and feel like you're not in love, when reality the feeling is a lack of confidence and the thought that who you love deserves someone better than you.

I asked him if he was scared of me and he said no. I asked him if he was scared of love and he said: wouldn't you be if you were new at this?
I guess we really are on different platitudes. I've always known what I wanted in love and I always knew that it probably wouldn't perfectly fit the description I expected, but I've always known who was a right choice for me. If only people could learn to trust love and their partner...well, things would probably be easier. There are certain things I've yet to understand about myself, but as for things normal people don't understand, I seem to understand them better than most. It gets frustrating. It gets painful.

A complete 360 of emotion is never possible. I at times have felt that it was attainable because I was supposedly feeling it, but when I took the time to examine why it was happening, I realized it never happened at all. I was just numb and unfocused. When people are confused about who they are and what they're thinking, they never see the only person that can give them answers is themselves. So we sit around hoping the answers will just appear even when the big book of answers and definitions is becoming rust in our hands. The only thing that confuses me is him. When you have no other method of finding ease than to gather answers from another who is answering questions about themselves, hold on to faith. Any sort of faith at all. Trust me, the person you're waiting for will never talk.
It's a long day coming.
He's still silent.

You're gonna carry that weight.

Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose

Everything can be free.

Tonight was quite possibly a turning point in my life.
I was at school from 11:30 a.m.-9 p.m. working on the paper and working with the staff. At this point I'm not even sure if I'm writing coherent sentences because my mind is close to shutting off for the night. I'll get to the point before I start conjuring up fantasies in my sleep-deprived delusion.

I did what I did last Friday. I ran by looking my best and getting ready to take on the day full force. Everything started out normal, just like anything else. It's strange, though, because as it got later, everything seemed to come together just like the paper itself. This 12 page hell of an assignment could've very well been the death of us, I think. While my life was busy trying to make it the death of me, I found I didn't have the time for it. That definitely meant I didn't have the time to stop for it. It's strange how just meaning to do a little work can branch out into friendships and a greater purpose in life. It somehow restored me even under all the stress and strain. Now I have other things to look forward to and live for. It's one of those things that can't be taken from me, therefore, it has become the only thing I really need.

I remember there being a moment where my depression was sinking into my skin until I finally got the courage to ask for a smoke. Not that I'm saying smoking solves my problems or that I'm a smoker at all. In fact, it's almost the contrary. As I stood outside with John and Crisitian talking about everything we've seen and noticed in our travels and adventures, I felt like I could very well go off somewhere solely on the wind that was blowing between us. Maybe not physically, but my emotions did become very stable and lucid as they explored their better sides. So my emotions came down with a puff and a good talking to. It's almost unbelievable and seemingly anti-climactic, but it has become the start of something beautiful. I'm not sure how or exactly what, but it's there.

Later on, I went out on a limb and actually talked to people about my life. Yes, I feel that secure! I never talk about my life worth a shit, especially with people I barely know. But hell, it feels like I've known them all forever. So as all that was happening undercover in my head, I went out for a big adventure with a few great people. Cleo, Suzy, Miles and I went out in search of a play program since one of our photographers didn't get the name of anyone in their picture. We got to the Campus Theatre and it closed five minutes before we arrived. So what did we do? Like the journalists we are, we improvised! Upon discovering the Marsee Auditorium was also closed, we improvised again! Miles discovered a back way and Cleo discovered an unlocked door.
Of course we went in, you twits!
So we carefully shut the door and began digging into the boxes stacked under the stairs, looked behind curtains, ran to the other side while no one was walking passed the big glass door and whispered ever so slightly to figure out our little dilema. We searched all over downstairs. Nothing.
So Cleo, Suzy and I ditched Miles, who seemingly disappeared, to go upstairs to look for a program. We were on Cloud 9 at this point and I was even talking about a collaboration piece with all the Spring 2008 staff discussing their strange stories and adventures when trying to produce and write for the paper...when STOP! A woman in an office upstairs sees us. Using our persuasive journalistic power (Ha, I love being a ham sometimes, especially today) I guess we appealed to her because she just laughed it off. Ironically, as we were talking to her, we heard Miles downstairs saying: "Umm...guys...we have to leave." He got busted by a security gaurd. No, he wasn't in trouble since we were all in it together. The whole thing was really lucky as the woman happened to have a key to a room filled with programs. Not to seem as though any of us are superior to anyone else...but honestly, what other profession can produce such wild and hilarious stories and experiences? Journalists have it made. In fact, the feeling of actually being daring enough to do what we did and get our story done made us want to leave everything last-minute all the time. Of course, we'd never do that. We do have a natural disdain for deadlines and time restriction. We're journalits, dammit!

Sooner than I knew it, it was 7 p.m. and my mom was wondering about me and the pages were going into tedium because of all the minor corrections that had to be compltely perfected. But it was nice. Everything was being pulled tighter as last-minute pressure grew...but we laughed it off. We just laughed. We helped each other by laughing and we laughed as we helped each other. And apparently my commentary for this edition was great. It basically said "hey, world! Grow a pair!" Well...according to John, anyway. I've come to realize that when you're working in something you love to do, you can't even feel yourself emotionally growing because it's just so natural. When you really see it is when you make those slight pauses to interact with what's around you. What seems to have impacted me most is the people...the people I interview, the people I hear about and the people I so lovingly work with. Especially the latter. They have become one of the few things I need even when I thought I had nothing.

The last event of the evening was a break Suzy, John and I took. Although we seemed to be making fun of people and making jokes about everything, we were really living. Living is when you just say "Let's go out and just do whatever it is we want to do." I'm not saying drink yourself to death, terrorize a neighborhood or run a counterfeit scam or anything, I'm talking the kind of sweet pleasure you get from just relaxing. You know, our generation really does work too hard and some work so hard that they don't get those tiny moments to see how much they've grown. What did we talk about? Of all things, it was family. We said things I don't think any of us would have dared to in a "normal" conversation. It's the power of interest and trust. Sometimes being in a room working ourselves down until we practically have rug burn can cause distaste. It happens all the time. Actually, it happens more often than not. But as much as I try to explain it, we're just not like that. We're different, but we work the same.

So a few of us talked about the Kama Sutra and reading it in public. Some of us tried to come up with a witty headline. Some of us went on a side trip for the sake of the story. Some of us did killer impressions. Some of us play fought--even if it did get a little rough. Some of us opened up.
Were us bastards even working at all?
Surprisingly we were. This is what life is for us.
Somewhere buried deep in our piles of work and deadlines and other messes is our center.

Everything has its grating technicalities, but not everything has its beauty.
We've got it all.

As for my love, I gained so much meaning from working on the paper that I actually didn't think of him much. I think I can learn to live like this. I think I can learn how to live at all, too. I can do it right. Just because I miss him doesn't mean I have to miss in every sense. Journalists are a strong breed. There's a lot running against us. There's a lot of power we can't have. But as the sun sets on us, we have what we need.
I love Anthony with everything I've got, but if he can be insecure enough to make himself believe he's not in love, it's too risky even for the newspaper staff. Distraction? No. It could partly be it. But just because we work so hard we forget we're hungry or tired doesn't mean it's just a faulty antidote to what ails us.
Life is made through what we hold and create.
We create with passion.
I'm deeply sorry to my love if one day he should see that I have crossed into another part of me devoid of him, but he's not all gone. He's not a total loss. That's right, he's not. But dammit if I'm human and dammit if I have to find something for this heart to have for itself.

He may think I'm crazy and he may think he can change everyone's mind, but it certainly isn't my fault he doesn't know how to handle himself. I can show him just as well as I showed myself.

I'm gonna show you, baby, that a woman can be tough.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tonight won't be so long

I guess all the fighting drove him away.
Last he said was that he bought a ticket back to Ohio.
I guess I understand...Kirsten is there after all.
He says it's not about her, but who am I to dare to trust that?

I don't even know where to begin. I guess I'll break it down as smoothly as possible. I barely have the will to type this sentence, so I don't want this to take very long. I apologize if I drive anybody crazy.

It started with him saying he's going back because he was upset with all the fighting. Then he said he didn't love me. I didn't believe him and I had no problem being verbal about it. I told other people I didn't believe him, I told him I didn't believe him and I didn't have to tell myself I didn't believe him. I just didn't. That turned into a "you're just trying to convince yourself that I love you" kind of thing. But you know, it wasn't. I didn't convince myself of anything. I just instinctively didn't believe him. As much as he asked me to stop saying that, I can't. What else would I say? I didn't believe him. There's no way to lie about it. I didn't believe him. I still don't.

But I cried. Like a fool, I cried. All I wanted was to know why. Everyone says it wasn't my fault. Even he says it wasn't my fault and that he didn't want me to think it was. I had to have done something wrong...right? It's so like people to never know the answer to the stupid words that fall out of their mouth. It was the same plea over and over again for a while. I didn't do anything, I couldn't have, nothing was wrong with me. Yeah, save it. I don't believe things like that.

There were a few quotable things said, things that contradicted the first and things that couldn't stand very well on their own, but it stopped the tears. It didn't last, but at least there was a moment. I'll always have that moment. There was: "I fell in love too fast and I realized I wasn't ready for it, so I don't love you" and "You can't fight the heart" (You know what, reading that still pisses me off, so I'm going to say this: FUCK YOU. Then let me feel my own goddamn feelings, you ass. I mean, fuck, I love you and you said you loved me. Make up your goddamn mind and don't tell me what to fuckin do. You're the one who's in my life trying to figure out what I'm doing and trying to tell me what you're doing. That's probably one of the reasons I don't believe you. Fuck, I love you...take the good offers life gives you for once.) and "If I could have what I wanted, believe me, I'd still love you."

Idiocies. Little idiocies that crawl into the cracks in the skull and plays jump rope with the medula and treats the rest of that confounded thing like a goddamn Lucky Charm--you can run, but you can't hide. And even if it's a well-known fact, no one can fight it. No one. These confusing little broken up anecdotes attach themselves like ticks. You just can't get them off. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if these stupid little quips could give you Lyme Disease. I want to address them, but I just can't. For once, I don't understand them and secondly--I just don't believe any of it! I just don't buy it, I'm sorry. I wish I could and that would be that, but he's never been one to know what he was doing when it came to love. In response to that, I have decided to wait in silence. That being, I won't tell him I'm waiting and I'll move along as if I'm not waiting, but I'll wait as long as I can. At least there was one memorable thing about it..."it just seems like I'm easy to get over. Easy to replace."

No, you're not! You're freakin awesome.
Then there was something like a crash in his voice.
There was only silence our last five minutes together.
He said he was okay, but I couldn't tell for once.

One question, though: What on earth does "I love you, but I'm not in love with you" mean?
If you loved someone romantically and you stopped, then don't even bother with the "I love you"s if you don't love them anymore. Why bother, right? All of you men say it yourselves--you don't love the person anymore. So stop telling them you do even if it's "just a friend thing." It's never just a friend thing if you loved them romantically at one point. Don't play around. You know why you say it.

Somehow, though, I woke up ready to start my day off drowing in tears. I mean it. No thought had even gotten a chance to coherently pass through my head and I was already going to cry as if the cry that lulled me to sleep last night was "to be continued...." Then suddenly I knew something happened overnight. I have a feeling he thought of something he hadn't before. I just feel like things are going my way. I feel like I was right all along. I feel like just maybe love can be real for me. Maybe I can daydream without a nightmare.

Maybe I can learn to fly.
Maybe someday.

Monday, March 24, 2008

I hope she's sweet

If I really deserved the best, she wouldn't have been born.

Just as I suspected, the bastard goes to Ohio for a few days and there's already a bitch. Hearing his voice and knowing he came back for a visit made me get my stupid hopes up. Disgusting. I'm beyond foolish. I should've cut my own throat for that...not that hoping was any far off from it.

What's more, I heard about it from an 8-year-old. Anthony thinks he's so damn funny: "What were we talking about just now, Dylan?"
There it is.
There's the one person who could far surpass me without even having to know my weaknesses.
She already has my weakness.

Now just because he lacks any faith, confidence and sense of self-worth...I'm paying for it. Why the hell does he think he's doing me a favor by leaving? All I keep hearing is that he loves me but he's a bad person. Make up your mind, dammit! Are you bad or are you in love? They seem the same, but really there's a difference!
Be happy, be happy, be happy...well, I'm done trying to be happy for you. Understand that YOU made me fuckin happy! You made huge steps in changing your attitude, so much so that we honestly didn't have major problems in our relationship. I know you're not with the chick and I think you were trying to say the she's just "hot," not beautiful or gorgeous, but really, I'm done trying to read through everything everyone says. Can't someone just be straightforward for once?

Then we fought. Ahaha, the fighting....
There's was so much yelling, I thought I'd break apart. Apparently, I have no choice but to get over him because he's the bad guy. I know I can't force him to see anything in himself, but I just can't see how anyone could think love is a right/wrong deal. In love, we do a lot of things that are ultimately wrong, but we do it anyway. Sometimes there's regret and heartbreak, but that's just life. There's no love if you don't risk anything for it. But I know plenty of people who can't see that--they think love is perfect and that the only time love is love is when things are smooth. Love is laden with misery and chance. We just have to learn to take it all and carry it lightly on our shoulders. I know the world is cold and cruel. I know it'll turn its back in such an unforgiving way that it feels like it's killing you and ruining what you have, but we only accomplish the failures we worried about when we stop moving. So link hands, turn your back on it and run. Love, like life, is never perfection. Love is all the little sorrows and tragedies, all the triumphs and fluttery emotions, all the huge problems, all the wonderful memories and every superfluous fragmented piece somehow coexisitng in a way no one's ever seen. So if you're hurting and crying, don't say the love is over...sometimes it's just beginning. Don't hurt the one you love by thinking that way because of your lack of confidence or understanding of love. Most importantly, never say: "It should've happened by now."
My is never on time.

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Dead kings, many things I can't define

Religion...a composition of dead people and somewhat sensible ideals (sometimes) that we've grown to adore.
No, I'm not anti-religion. Bear with me here.

The thing I don't get is why people even bother fighting about it. While people may argue what I'm about to say is instigating a fight, I beg to differ. In fact, I'm preaching peace. I take responsibility if someone wants to start something. After all, I did open my big mouth. But I will not play a role in the degradation of someone else's belief system. I can only hope people will listen, think about it, and move on in any way they so choose. I'd prefer this to change someone's outlook, but I can't very well expect that.

Anyway, I begin by saying, why has religion suddenly been cluttered into two or three categories? All of a sudden religion has narrowed down to Christianity, Catholicism, and sometimes Judaism. Truth be told, everyone has a religion, whether it consists of a "God" or not. With that being said, there are two division of the argument I wish to address:

1. You religious freaks sicken me. I'm talking literally sickening me. I once saw a religious website so vile with propaganda, I threw up just a bit. It's dizzying to see all this hate speech on a site that's supposed to promote "the good fight." How the fuck do you figure that? Supposedly these sites and displays are meant to get people on the right path, but how can you win people over by tearing them apart? They're human beings just like you. Thou shall not judge, right? Or am I crazy? Lead by example if you want to make any sort of difference. Yelling and damning everything when it's not even your fuckin right is downright weird and absurd. You curse what you find "obscene," yet somehow you're free to obscenely promote your nearly fictitious cause with propaganda and hate--it doesn't add up. Trust me, it doesn't. Nobody fuckin cares if you think their religion is right or wrong. In fact, if you try to tell us we're wrong, you're just pissing us all off. Maybe it's just me, but I think that's a step backward. Also, stop with the paranoia. We have enough idiotic paranoia coming from the stupid fuck KKK as it is. No one wants to destroy Christianity. In fact, you fucks have beaten your "morals" to a pulp so much that we pretty much don't give a fuck about Christianity anymore. One more thing, and this has stopped every fanatical Christian (and other fanatics of other religions) that has ever crossed me: we (Catholics) were here first. And you know what else? I don't even care if we were here first. That's right, I don't care about your bizarre means of "religion." To each their own and leave everyone else out of it. Oh, and I'm sorry if we can't make laws based off your crap. We have an idea called "division of church and state," now back off.

2. Atheists. Oh, Atheists...shut the fuck up. You're just as paranoid as the fanatics. Stop bitching about how no one understands you. You still have mothers, right? If not, well, you understand yourself, right? That's good enough! It's all you fuckin need! I know there are weirdos out there trying to shove religion down your throat, but stop acting like you're always attacked for your beliefs. You're not. I highly doubt that everywhere you go there's some religion humper that sniffs you out and goes "Die, fucker!!" Unless you where a goddamn sign stating you're an atheist. Even then, as with people whose religions consist of a God, most people don't care. Stop calling religion shit, too, by the way. It's not shit, it's just the difference between you and some. Embrace your differences if you love yourself so fuckin much! And if you don't love yourself...then, I'm sorry. Maybe that's why you're so fuckin angry. Besides, if you want people to stop preaching to you, stop breaking them down. Religion gives some people hope. And hope is something you should never take from someone. It could be all that they have. Be nice. Honestly, we're not all the same. I'm Catholic, and though I mention it, really, as long as people are happy with the religions they choose, I'm happy for them! Diversity makes us great. You're not in kindergarten anyway. You don't have to push Little Jimmy just because he pushed you first. Move the fuck on and stop riding on religion's ass. People are free to have other beliefs than you...isn't that the whole basis of your own damn argument anyway? Dammit.

Moving on from the notorious complainers, while you finish off your Easter, remember that there are other religions out there. There are some you've probably never heard of before. There are still tribal peoples who practice their own faith. Don't be myopic and see religion as only having a few faces of which seem to be taking over the world. Religion is interesting, whether you believe in it or not. Have a heart and let people practice freely. You've got to admit, some religions have very good ideals to live by. Practice them. If not the faith, practice the values. Again, don't forget the billions of other people in the world practicing their own means of religion. Hopefully then you can see that it's just human nature, even though it's in some people's nature to be scum.

My final note:
I managed to see Aalyssa today and it gives me great relief. I only wonder now what Anthony is up to. Every time he leaves, my time perception goes out of sync. I really have no idea how many days it's been since he left. It feels like he's been gone for weeks. Everything seems to be rising and falling, being mixed and rearranged and being pulled in every which direction time chooses at the moment. I don't know what I understand or perceive, and I can barely believe what's going on before me. Somehow, though, being left in the dark has instilled some extra creativity in me. I don't know what to say about that.
What time is it, anyway?
I probably wouldn't believe you if you told me.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

I can see for miles and miles

I think I know what they meant by having magic in their eyes.
Well, it was partly drugs (but that doesn't come into play here) and partly mysticism--the kind you get when you feel the world is in your hands. It's when you know you can obtain anything you could want in an immediate sense. Maybe not all your dreams in one, but mostly anything you could want for the time being.

I reek of incense from going to The Psychic Eye. I hung out with an old friend from elementary school for the first time in ages. I tried to pretend I wasn't thinking of other people, but my love and the third man kept randomly passing through my thoughts. I worry about Anthony...and as for the third man, sometimes I still find myself wishing, even if it's not something I really want exactly.

I reconnected with myself today. Just being in that store made me think of all the possibilites that come from the world around us. I'm basically in a trance right now. I just keep seeing the things that were there and thinking on things greater than me. There's so much beauty, depth and meaning out there...and to think, we'll never live long enough to see and understand it all. It's bizarre.

I'm tempted to buy some tarot cards and rearrange everything I have to reflect on these ideas. I'm not going wacko religious junkie on anybody...I still want to be me, Catholicism (yes, I'm Catholic. Shut the fuck up.) and all. Speaking of which, tomorrow is Easter and I won't see my best friend in the universe because...well, I don't know why. My cousin means the world to me, and I got a slight chance to see her today--but her parents denied us of it. Ha, how depressing. You know, I've noticed, everything seems wrong with the world. I guess it's up to ourselves to keep our worlds straight. To be honest, at this point my life isn't so bad, I just think I'm completely scrambled.

You know, probably nothing I've said here makes any sense.
But in some way it means a lot to me.
I can't even fathom what goes on in my own head.
And somehow, I don't think that's important.

As long as I can see beyond my own input, maybe...well, I'm not entirely sure.

I'm too physically drained to be sure. All I know is where my heart is and where my creativity is taking me. Maybe I can close my eyes and see further. It's a contradiction to top all contradictions, but sometimes the unconscious is a better indicator than the waking world and conscious thought.
And maybe when I sleep, I can visit him for a moment. Bastardo.
Bastardo, bastardo, bastardo....

My eyelids are heavy.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Put on your red shoes and dance the blues

Everyone is running.
We're all scattered.

It didn't quite hit home when my ex, of which I realized I haven't yet put his name down (it's Anthony, by the way), left for Ohio on Thursday. His mom has become one of the nomads precariously slipping off the edge and wandering about for work to stay alive. Who knows how long they're going to be gone. They said it was just a few weeks, but webs can be spun in all but a day or two. They could end up stuck.
It's not that I didn't care and I just watched him leave without a feeling in my veins. I cried. I really did.
Even when I found out they were coming back "soon," I cried. Bastardo....
I guess I was just feeling numb.

And maybe, just maybe, I took the liberty of doing everything I have done today just to cope with it. I got up right when the alarm went off, put on my new shoes, new blouse, new pants, my favorite necklace and some of my best earrings. I looked so good (I assume) that the first thing I heard as I tried to get in the car was honking and hollering from a man that looked like someone from ZZ-Top speeding down my street. I went to class listening to London After Midnight and feeling really awesome. So awesome, in fact, that chills went down my spine. I stayed in the newsroom longer than I had to just because I felt like staying in there and looking upon the staff. I left with some more London After Midnight echoing. I got home, helped my friend retaliate against her overbearing step-father and made the guy's daughter cry because she was a huge bitch to Aalyssa. I felt even better and tried calling up Andy, but I couldn't get a hold of him. So I dropped Frances a line and we took off to the mall, ate and shopped. I even got a call from my best friend from elementary school earlier.
And now, I just might go to a party with Suzy, Crisitan and Matt at 11. And while I'm at it, I just may sit with the guru. He's a good man. A great man. Believe me, he and I can see many tomorrows together.

All the while, I keep thinking of Anthony. As Vanessa and I discussed earlier when she called, it seems so wrong of us to think of our exes. But we do, and we're just funny people for it. And now that I look at all I've done today...I've just been running. Maybe I hoped that freedom wasn't too far off.

On a different note, let me speak on the Obama issue.
First thing, just because he's friends with a racist shitbag doesn't mean he's a racist shitbag. Okay? Got it? Good.
Oh, why not, you say? Because I can be friends with someone who's adamantly hates black people, for instance. As long as he doesn't talk about it around me, I can force myself to overlook it...and also because there could be a possibility that I didn't know the person was racist until later in our friendship. In turn, after the person and I had gone through a lot, I wouldn't be able to just dump them. There's too much friendship there. And just because he used his grandmother as an example doesn't mean he's so tightly knit to that guy that it's almost a family level. Seriously, that's the most ridiculous fuckin unwarranted assumption I've ever heard. Get a grip. Goddamn.

On the flip side, everyone bitching about Fox News and how everyone is acting like they hate Obama, you know what? They hate Hillary and McCain, too. Every last one of them. Okay, so maybe that's an exaggeration, but my point is that there are always going to be people who hate whoever or whatever it is you like. There are going to be people who take it too far and there are going to be people who say/do supremely idiotic things. That doesn't mean, however, that you should go around acting like you've hammered your brains out with an actual fuckin hammer. You people need to get a grip, too. You say: "Oh, they edited out the most important part of his speech out, those fuckers!" but in turn, you go around quoting people and making videos editing out important parts of their commentary. Sounds like a double standard and it smells like shit. Don't do it. You're making us Democrats look like whiners, which is exactly how the stereotype goes. Stereotypes = bad.

Really, both sides need to stop dicking around. It's stupid.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Te amo, bastardo

It was one of those days where no matter how much noise there was, it seemed as though everything was quiet.

As if I wasn't stressed enough with deadlines and writing news stories, my ex had to be his usual self. I got a call about 30 minutes before my 1:30 class started. It was my godson, Dylan. He's eight years old. He was crying his little eyes out--something a godmother doesn't want to hear. So what happened? My ex forgot to pick him up from tutoring. While my godson is on spring break, he still goes to these advanced placement kind of tutoring things that keep him mentally stimulated since he's smarter than the other kids in his class. It let out at 11:30 since it's spring break so they're giving the kids a chance to relax. Me being at school interviewing my ass off and getting ready to run over to do one last interview before just barely making it to class, I had to call Aalyssa, his mom, which shouldn't have been my fuckin job in the first place. Good thing Aalyssa was just getting out of the doctor's office when I called. I asked Dylan to call back in five minutes, and him being a good boy, he did and he was calm. I stayed on the phone with him until Aalyssa went to get him and thankfully she lives close to the school where he recieves the advanced placement thing.

I figure that was the end of it. Why wouldn't it be, right?
Oh no, as soon as I'm done interviewing and trying to chill out in the newsroom, talk about parties to come, and be worry free now that the interviewing was over I get a phone call. I answered to Dylan's voice, so I figured it would be just fine. Turns out, it was godmother to the rescue. I had to yell at the foolish twit that fell asleep when he was supposed to get his godson. Yes, he fell asleep.
But you know why that was "good justification"? Because he was going to wake up in a few minutes!
When does that ever fuckin happen? Everyone tries to say that, but you know fuckin what? That's a sorry excuse! How can you fall asleep and expect to wake up in a few minutes? You're not Penn nor are you Teller, so don't try it!

But it gets better.
Somehow it was my fault. But that can't be. I was working. But somehow it was still my fault because "I'm always working." And you know...yes, I am! I write for a freakin newspaper! When I've got deadlines, the days become shit with stress and an overload of work. So finally I ended up telling him to suck it even though he supposedly does a lot of things for us (well, damn! He must be a magician because I don't see a thing!) and he hung up on me as if I commited a crime against nature because I called him out on his damn faults. I know no one likes to hear it, but when you do something as irresponsible as that, brace yourself because you need to hear it if you do that.

After that I took it easy with Cristian by going to Jack In the Box with him and having a big discussion about interests and life stories and whatnot. I realized that I finally have new friends that are much better than those I've lost. It was pretty chill and it turns out Cristian likes a lot of the same music I do and he knows Led Zepagain (as do I). It's eerie how much in common I have with the newspaper staff. I'm guessing it's because we're all journalists. I mean, with any field, it takes certain characteristics in order to truly love and partake in the field. That's probably what happened to all of us. What's even creepier is how much I have in common with Pearl...we even have the same coffee brewer and the same breed of dog. Trust me, the similarities run very deep.

I haven't talked to my ex since about 3:30 p.m. Last time I called Aalyssa, she didn't know if he was there or not. That, in some ways, relives me. In another sense, it leaves me pacing throughout my little stressed out head. Yesterday I recieved a letter from him saying the boldest and bravest thing that has ever come out of his mouth: "You deserve someone better, not someone who's a scared little boy." While he was trying to get me to turn to others and make myself happy, it only made me come toward him all over again. No matter his idiocy, he always manages to say something truthful and heartfelt. He even says it at the appopriate times, but the degree of depth to his words has the opposite effect on me, as it would to anyone else. What makes things like this so different from everything else is that when someone can admit to you their flaws and try to push you into thinking how terrible they are, they show so much courage and care, that there's no way anyone can resist. I'm sure so many people feel foolish for being melted by someone's honesty, but really--there's nothing that can fight it. If someone cares that much, how can you not care back, especially if you loved them?

Yet I somehow can't take my own advice. I'm embarrassed because I'm so used to immediately rejecting those that have hurt me so strongly. But that's another thing, there's so many magnitudes of hurt, and really, he's never given me that much pain before. Never was any pain I've felt so intense that I had the urge to completely destroy him and cut him down. I wonder if it's because of my feelings...but I don't dare go there.

It's closing time for me.
My mind can't take any more of this sort of thinking.
It's time to put everything back in order...if only I knew how.

I think I love that idiot.
How could I dare?
How could I not?
Can I spare an answer?
Or at least a breath?
An idea?
A thought?

Sorry, we're closed.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I've been keeping up with the Tibet issue for a little while now, and let me just say--I'm digusted.

I can't even fathom why China would take over Tibet in the first place! Then they don't even understand why the fuck so many people are angry. Now I open my newspaper and see pictures of people about to be beaten and a monk with blood on his face from a wound recieved to the head. I can see that maybe they were pushing the violence thing, but why the monks and all the innocent people?
And all the officials in Beijing seem to worry about is the fuckin Olympics. I mean, after all, everyone loves sports way more than important issues.
Hey, guys, here's an idea: set them free and you won't have to worry about it anymore.
If not for the sake of human lives, but for the sake of your own sanity, you know?

And how is it that it's suddenly the Dali Lama's fault? How the fuck would it be his fault, anyway? I know I don't know the guy, but I doubt someone who's won the Nobel Peace Price on several occasions would be an evil villain by night.

The Chinese government is trying to say they're reforming their policy. Haha, give me a fuckin break! I really couldn't tell in the midst of all the chaos. Man, you guys are really good actors, goddamn it. You sure had us fooled. Now I can sleep easily with a stupid grin on my face!

And why is it the fault of the Tibetan people? You invaded their land and STOLE their culture and identity! You should be fucking ashamed of yourselves. Then they have the nerve to call the Tibetan's plan "ignorant." Please, someone tell me how it's ignorant. How is wanting something that's rightfully yours, something all humans have a right to, back a hair-brained idea? I'll show you hair-brained--taking a country for no real reason and brutally instilling policies that hurt the innocent. Yeah! Hey, everyone! Let's go out there, take any country we want and take away everything they have! Why? Because it's there!

Speaking of which...Mt. Everest is suddenly closed. The Chinese government doesn't want a repeat of what happened the time these hikers hoisted a "Free Tibet" flag and posted the act over the internet. Way to have everything under control.

Back to the blame game, China says the Tibetans are easily manipulated simply because they refuse to speak Mandarin. That allows them to be suceptible. Okay, so maybe not knowing a language can leave you vulnerable, especially when the country that speaks know...owns you. I do believe, however, claiming that admits that there are people who manipulate them. Nothing gives them that right. Excuse the Tibetans for trying to keep a little dignity in wanting their own language. In fact, excuse the world for having culture. Excuse us all for believing in a little freedom now and again.

The love of power is too strong.
It looks like Jimi Hendrix's idea won't be fulfilled any time soon.

And that's a shame.

All I can say is, keep on fighting in what you believe in, guys.
You know you're right.
And it's not just the Tibetans--it's everyone.
Stand up for yourself and others.
Stop being afraid.

Monday, March 17, 2008

And I see them in the streets!

I think someone's fixin to die, and I'm not talking Country Joe and the Fish.

I'm not even talking the Iraq War, though I very well should be instead of worrying about this crap. Anyway, before I coninue I'd like to wish everyone a happy St. Patty's day, though I don't think it matters. Somehow, though, its a point in this story.

We all know it's St. Patty's day and I'm sure most of you can't read this straight, and you know what--I should be one of you people! But this isn't about me. Oh, no. It's about two men and I already know what you're thinking. And you know what else? It's actually about three men, but I forgot about the other one out of focusing too hard. Today while everyone is having fun and throwing up, a good friend of mine, Jack, has been waiting around in La Mirada without any form of sustinance because someone was dick enough to take him there and just leave without notice. Now, Jack's a fun-loving Irish guy (with another half of Mexican, bless his heart! Oh, did I mention he's Southern?), but if you can imagine a very pissed off guy of his lineage out there in the middle of nowhere with his own car gone, you'll get where this is going. And I hear some of you bastards laughing already, but dammit, imagine if this happened to any of you on a day like today!

I know you all want to know who took his car--it was none other than my one-of-a-kind ex-boyfriend. A few days ago he told me he loved me...again. And just yesterday I was starting to think maybe I should turn back in his direction. After the third guy, who is nameless at this point (not because I'm stupid enough to not have gotten his name, but for other reasons), and my short crush for him fizzled. Which goes to show, fate is a bitch. It takes you in one direction, turns you around, then does it one more time. Then where are you supposed to be? Nowhere really. Just keep walking straight. You'll get somewhere eventually, right?

In short, Jack's still in La Mirada getting a ride back from some med department staff whom none of us know, his girl (and my best friend), Aalyssa, is probably ready to choke my ex (whose actually one of her best friends, too. Well...not now, maybe) to death. And as for me, I'm just hoping Jack didn't have to sit out there being pissed, hungry, and angry for too long. And I just hope he and I can share a drink and a tale or two before the night is out.

And that's how two random, meaningless stories meet.
Oh, damn. I forgot about the third guy again....
(Funny since just last week he mysteriously appeared in all my thoughts. Hahaha.)