Sunday, March 23, 2008

Dead kings, many things I can't define

Religion...a composition of dead people and somewhat sensible ideals (sometimes) that we've grown to adore.
No, I'm not anti-religion. Bear with me here.

The thing I don't get is why people even bother fighting about it. While people may argue what I'm about to say is instigating a fight, I beg to differ. In fact, I'm preaching peace. I take responsibility if someone wants to start something. After all, I did open my big mouth. But I will not play a role in the degradation of someone else's belief system. I can only hope people will listen, think about it, and move on in any way they so choose. I'd prefer this to change someone's outlook, but I can't very well expect that.

Anyway, I begin by saying, why has religion suddenly been cluttered into two or three categories? All of a sudden religion has narrowed down to Christianity, Catholicism, and sometimes Judaism. Truth be told, everyone has a religion, whether it consists of a "God" or not. With that being said, there are two division of the argument I wish to address:

1. You religious freaks sicken me. I'm talking literally sickening me. I once saw a religious website so vile with propaganda, I threw up just a bit. It's dizzying to see all this hate speech on a site that's supposed to promote "the good fight." How the fuck do you figure that? Supposedly these sites and displays are meant to get people on the right path, but how can you win people over by tearing them apart? They're human beings just like you. Thou shall not judge, right? Or am I crazy? Lead by example if you want to make any sort of difference. Yelling and damning everything when it's not even your fuckin right is downright weird and absurd. You curse what you find "obscene," yet somehow you're free to obscenely promote your nearly fictitious cause with propaganda and hate--it doesn't add up. Trust me, it doesn't. Nobody fuckin cares if you think their religion is right or wrong. In fact, if you try to tell us we're wrong, you're just pissing us all off. Maybe it's just me, but I think that's a step backward. Also, stop with the paranoia. We have enough idiotic paranoia coming from the stupid fuck KKK as it is. No one wants to destroy Christianity. In fact, you fucks have beaten your "morals" to a pulp so much that we pretty much don't give a fuck about Christianity anymore. One more thing, and this has stopped every fanatical Christian (and other fanatics of other religions) that has ever crossed me: we (Catholics) were here first. And you know what else? I don't even care if we were here first. That's right, I don't care about your bizarre means of "religion." To each their own and leave everyone else out of it. Oh, and I'm sorry if we can't make laws based off your crap. We have an idea called "division of church and state," now back off.

2. Atheists. Oh, Atheists...shut the fuck up. You're just as paranoid as the fanatics. Stop bitching about how no one understands you. You still have mothers, right? If not, well, you understand yourself, right? That's good enough! It's all you fuckin need! I know there are weirdos out there trying to shove religion down your throat, but stop acting like you're always attacked for your beliefs. You're not. I highly doubt that everywhere you go there's some religion humper that sniffs you out and goes "Die, fucker!!" Unless you where a goddamn sign stating you're an atheist. Even then, as with people whose religions consist of a God, most people don't care. Stop calling religion shit, too, by the way. It's not shit, it's just the difference between you and some. Embrace your differences if you love yourself so fuckin much! And if you don't love yourself...then, I'm sorry. Maybe that's why you're so fuckin angry. Besides, if you want people to stop preaching to you, stop breaking them down. Religion gives some people hope. And hope is something you should never take from someone. It could be all that they have. Be nice. Honestly, we're not all the same. I'm Catholic, and though I mention it, really, as long as people are happy with the religions they choose, I'm happy for them! Diversity makes us great. You're not in kindergarten anyway. You don't have to push Little Jimmy just because he pushed you first. Move the fuck on and stop riding on religion's ass. People are free to have other beliefs than you...isn't that the whole basis of your own damn argument anyway? Dammit.

Moving on from the notorious complainers, while you finish off your Easter, remember that there are other religions out there. There are some you've probably never heard of before. There are still tribal peoples who practice their own faith. Don't be myopic and see religion as only having a few faces of which seem to be taking over the world. Religion is interesting, whether you believe in it or not. Have a heart and let people practice freely. You've got to admit, some religions have very good ideals to live by. Practice them. If not the faith, practice the values. Again, don't forget the billions of other people in the world practicing their own means of religion. Hopefully then you can see that it's just human nature, even though it's in some people's nature to be scum.

My final note:
I managed to see Aalyssa today and it gives me great relief. I only wonder now what Anthony is up to. Every time he leaves, my time perception goes out of sync. I really have no idea how many days it's been since he left. It feels like he's been gone for weeks. Everything seems to be rising and falling, being mixed and rearranged and being pulled in every which direction time chooses at the moment. I don't know what I understand or perceive, and I can barely believe what's going on before me. Somehow, though, being left in the dark has instilled some extra creativity in me. I don't know what to say about that.
What time is it, anyway?
I probably wouldn't believe you if you told me.

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