Monday, March 17, 2008

And I see them in the streets!

I think someone's fixin to die, and I'm not talking Country Joe and the Fish.

I'm not even talking the Iraq War, though I very well should be instead of worrying about this crap. Anyway, before I coninue I'd like to wish everyone a happy St. Patty's day, though I don't think it matters. Somehow, though, its a point in this story.

We all know it's St. Patty's day and I'm sure most of you can't read this straight, and you know what--I should be one of you people! But this isn't about me. Oh, no. It's about two men and I already know what you're thinking. And you know what else? It's actually about three men, but I forgot about the other one out of focusing too hard. Today while everyone is having fun and throwing up, a good friend of mine, Jack, has been waiting around in La Mirada without any form of sustinance because someone was dick enough to take him there and just leave without notice. Now, Jack's a fun-loving Irish guy (with another half of Mexican, bless his heart! Oh, did I mention he's Southern?), but if you can imagine a very pissed off guy of his lineage out there in the middle of nowhere with his own car gone, you'll get where this is going. And I hear some of you bastards laughing already, but dammit, imagine if this happened to any of you on a day like today!

I know you all want to know who took his car--it was none other than my one-of-a-kind ex-boyfriend. A few days ago he told me he loved me...again. And just yesterday I was starting to think maybe I should turn back in his direction. After the third guy, who is nameless at this point (not because I'm stupid enough to not have gotten his name, but for other reasons), and my short crush for him fizzled. Which goes to show, fate is a bitch. It takes you in one direction, turns you around, then does it one more time. Then where are you supposed to be? Nowhere really. Just keep walking straight. You'll get somewhere eventually, right?

In short, Jack's still in La Mirada getting a ride back from some med department staff whom none of us know, his girl (and my best friend), Aalyssa, is probably ready to choke my ex (whose actually one of her best friends, too. Well...not now, maybe) to death. And as for me, I'm just hoping Jack didn't have to sit out there being pissed, hungry, and angry for too long. And I just hope he and I can share a drink and a tale or two before the night is out.

And that's how two random, meaningless stories meet.
Oh, damn. I forgot about the third guy again....
(Funny since just last week he mysteriously appeared in all my thoughts. Hahaha.)

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