Saturday, May 3, 2008

My heart always speaks before I know what it'll say

Let me make it radically clear...I hate Anthony. All posts prior to this that happen to have his name in it, besides the ones I've cursed him in, disregard. I make myself sick just looking at them. To think I could've ever thought such things. And at this point, his little "confusion" is just irritating. Make me believe what you want me to believe, but that's all I'll ever do. For once in YOUR fuckin life, I'll believe you, but it'll be take it or leave it because I certainly won't act on it. And why not if I believe you so much? It's just that I can never be too sure or too careful with you. ¡Bastardo!

Anyway, moving on to something worth speaking on. Did anyone out there know they took the gray wolves off the endangered species list? Curse those fucks! Do they not have any idea what they're doing? Obviously not considering yhat since I last read about it, people in Idaho and Montana have killed 35 wolves in 28 days. Goddamn, that's more than one wolf a day! What is wrong with people? Are we that violent, bloodthirsty and cruel? Who in their right mind can look at an animal and lose their heart? Tell me how that innocent animal is supposed to defend itself against a gun, and I might give you credit. For now, consider the freedom fighter in me fully awakened.
This is going to be the Canadian seal harvest all over again. I'll write a letter to someone every damn day if I have to. This needs to stop, especially since wolf season (that makes me sick to even hear) is this fall. How ironic, the time of my birthday is the time where brutes massacre my favorite animal. No, it's not happening. The population was supposed to be up between 2,000-5,000 before they even considered taking them off--so why? How would they benefit if an unstable species is wiped off the face of the earth? I thought they got money if they kept an animal on the list.

I've come to the conclusion that most people live in a fairy tale. It must be true because how else could they come up with these extravagantly thoughtless ideas? They hate doctors because "they don't know what they're doing." I suppose years of schooling gets you nowehere around here. They brutally massacre wolves because they see them as a threat. Gee, I thought all our houses were made of bricks, but then again, you never know when they'll attack your poor dauther (her name is Little Red, by the way. Jesus, this must be a joke). They say journalists lie. Oh sure, we live in fantasyland right there with you, nowhere in our schooling are we ever taught the value of truth and libel is just a little prank we made up. Trust us, we don't care. They think immigrants are going to take "all the good jobs." What, with all those aspiring janitors in the world, they're bound to destroy someone's dream sooner or later! Not that they can't go for higher jobs, oh, no, no! We're not saying that. They could rightly get an education! And so could their children! Drat, we're finished! Not that we could get our own goddamn education.

Yeah, eat that one up, kiddies. Before you become a wasteful average Joe/Jane, consdier the fact that maybe if you'd know any better, things would seem a little better for you. I have a strong belief that people with assinine beliefs did something to screw themselves over, therefore they feel the need to screw others over. Not that they necessarily know what screwed them over, but notice what kind of people usually believe these fairy-tale-gone-wrong ideals. So to wrap it up...Anthony is a fuck, put the wolves back on the endangered list, come out of fantasy land, blame yourself if you're a fuck up and for fuck's sake use a napkin....

Please forgive me;
I was raised by wolves.

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